The (Other) Attribute


This attribute will not change your item. It's just a marker.

is_not_tested is an optional crate, and the opposite attribute to is_tested. It can take a reason (optional), and it marks that the item won't be tested, and that's intentional.

It is comparable to #[rustfmt::skip].

📦 Installation

Write this in your Cargo.toml file to install is_not_tested:

is_not_tested = "0.1.0"

Now, ✨ It's ready to use ✨

❓ Usage

Pick the item that you don't want to test, import the is_not_tested attribute, and then use it. It can take a reason, or not.

#! is-tested strict

use is_not_tested::is_not_tested;

#[is_not_tested(reason = "Too simple to have useful tests.")]
struct MyStruct(String);

Now continue reading the main chapter, The Binary.